The Sharks

Contact Us
4, Hazelcroft Close
UB10 9LR
The Sharks are based in West London, we operate at 4 sites:Osterley Park in partnership withe the National Trust and British Canoeing we organise family fun sessions using sit-on-tops on the lake in the Park.Harefield, we have facilities at Tory Lake, which is owned by Rickmansworth Sailing Club, this site is mainly used for slalom and Wild Water Racing training on the weir opposite the Coy Carp. However, we do lessons at this site and are currently developing facilities on the lake, watch this space ..Southall, is where we concentrate on Marathon and Sprint, we work closely with local schools in the area running after school clubs and core-time PE lessons. We are in the process of developing new facilities at this site in a partnership with Catalyst Housing and the London Borough of Ealing. This is an exciting time for this development ...NW10 (Harlesden/Park Royal), this is another exciting development in the making, which is happening as part of a regeneration programme in partnership with the Old Oak Common and Park Royal Development Corporation. At this site as well as teaching we intend to develop Sprint and Marathon.We teach at all or our sites and we have recreation sessions at all of our sites, we are open to people of all ages. Please look at our website:, call us on 07951 770241 or email: [email protected]

Family Friendly

Junior Sessions


Pool Sessions

White Water Paddling






Wild Water Racing