Hello,Thank you for your interest in our club!Bishop Auckland Canoe and Kayak Club is currently dormant and actively seeking an outdoor venue to hold weekly and occasional weekend sessions.CLUB ANNOUNCEMENT 10th June 2023On Monday 16th March 2020 in response to Government advice Bishop Auckland Canoe and Kayak Club (BACK) suspended all pool activities with immediate effect.Towards the end of 2021, with Covid still proving a challenge and despite a few attempts to re-start the Club outside, on a week by week basis, on local rivers with very little interest, a decision was made to seek a local suitable permanent outdoor venue for BACK. Over the years it had become increasingly apparent that whilst the use of an indoor pool all year round was a real asset, at a maximum of 8 boats per session, there simply wasn’t the numbers to enable that critical mass to sustain a viable and thriving club. BACK needed an outdoor venue to enable larger numbers to join the club and make use of the facilities, equipment, coaching and all that goes with this on a weekly basis. On the 6th December 2021, after some extensive research, letters were sent to a number of landowners who owned or had access to a suitable body of water. A number of responses were received including a very positive invitation from Witton Castle on the 21st December 2021.15th January 2022 Witton Castle met with BACK and showed the Club around the proposed facilities; A sizable Lake, Club House and suitable Access Road. The perfect set up and nothing was off the table; exclusive use of The Lake, safe storage for equipment, upgraded and repaired access road, use of the Club House (toilet/changing facilities/hot water).Witton Castle made it very clear that all planning had been applied for and preparations were underway to enable us to run BACK from this location as long as we included any Caravan owners who wished to join the Club. The perfect opportunity. At last.Over the period 22 Dec 2021 – 7th June 2023 and at the request of Witton Castle we opted to agree to their offer of the use of their facilities at the expense of pursuing other “live” potential routes. Witton Castle repeatedly informed us, verbally, that their business was Caravans and they’d leave Paddlesports to BACK, it suited their needs at an ideal time.Since the end of 2021, for 18 months, the Trustees of BACK have been steadily and repeatedly pursuing this fantastic opportunity for the Club and the local community. At no point at all did Witton Castle falter in its enthusiasm to welcome BACK and its activities. It continued to be a win:win relationship.As a registered charity, run by experienced and qualified volunteers and affiliated with British Canoeing this opportunity would provide so many fantastic on-the-water activities and opportunities (canoeing, kayaking, stand-up-paddleboarding etc) for the local community, youth groups, the disabled and abled, girls, boys, men, women, families and friends from all backgrounds. It was a very exciting prospect and a totally non-commercial venture.With the paperwork in place, coaching qualifications updated, insurances and paperwork handed over to Witton Castle many weeks beforehand, the final amendments to the contract verbally agreed, as was the very last minute addition by Witton Castle and subsequent agreement by BACK to accommodate a commercial venture at weekends, we were good to go. All we needed was to sign the contract, handover of the keys and then add water. On the 7th June 2023 without any warning our Treasurer received this email;Wed, Jun 7, 10:15 AM (23 hours ago)to meGood Morning Hope you are well.Unfortunately I have decided not to progress with the licence agreement between Witton Castle and BACK.We are currently extremely busy with our parks operations and feel this is not the right time to engage with BACK, also I am concerned that engaging with BACK is going to restrict further activities on the lakes which are more suitable to our needs.Sorry for the unfortunate news which I understand you will be disappointed, I can only apologise and wish you and your club the best for the future.Many ThanksXXXXX XXXXXWitton Castle Country Park10th June 2023Bishop Auckland Canoe and Kayak Club will remain suspended until a suitable outdoor venue can be secured.It is with great sadness that so much time has passed, with so much promise for a bright future, that we are now no further forward.The Trustees of BACK remain hopeful. We continue to be as passionate about our sport as we were back in 2020 and will keep you informed of any progress.In the meantime if you have any suggestions for a suitable venue please do get in touch. Thank you.