So you’ve bought your first stand up paddle board. You get it out the packaging. If it’s an iSUP you inflate it and realise that pumping it up is more of a work out than actually paddling. But hey, added exercise right! Then… what!? The main reason we see people falling in is usually down to where they’re stood. For some reason, all common sense goes out the window and we see people stood on the tail (by the fin). We see people stood on a rail (one of the sides). We see people stood on the nose (at the front). And everywhere in between!
You head to google. “SUP where to stand on the board.” And here you are!
So where do you stand on a SUP? Let’s bring it back to basics.
- Centre of gravity. When we look at other objects, where normally is the centre of gravity? Yep that’s right, it’s in the middle. And SUP’s are no different. In the middle is where you want to be.
- How do I find the centre of my board? Easy one! Generally, your carry handle will be in the middle of your board. Stand with your feet either side, just behind the carry handle to keep your weight back. This will also help you control the board.
- SO I’m in the middle. Now what? Stand with your legs around a hip width apart. That means when you look down at your feet, your feet should generally be inline with the tops of your hips. Not spread out to the side like some sort of weird yoga pose. Or so close together you’re squeezing your thighs or glutes together. Hip width.
- Bend your knees a little and try to relax. This will help you when it comes to balance, which we promise, isn’t as hard as it looks! Relax your hips, your thighs, your glutes. Remember to breathe.
- Look where you’re going and paddle! You’re off and away!
TOP TIP: It’s much easier to stand on your board when it’s already moving. So try to get yourself moving when kneeling before standing up. Get up steadily but confidently and commit to the movement. Remember, as you stand up, keep your weight as central as possible, that way the board should respond as you’d expect. If you start standing to the side or to the front, you’ll end up swimming.
Now you’re ready to find places to paddle! New to paddling? Check out our pre-planned paddle trails.