Gift Ideas for Paddlers

With Christmas just around the corner, its time to start thinking about gifts. One of the most important parts of picking a gift is making it thoughtful, something that means something to that person. There are so many things you could buy a paddler to help them on their adventures.…

Water Safety

The water is an amazing place to be, and draws us to it all year round. And year on year, more people are enticed into the world of paddling as a way to enjoy the water. But whether you are enjoying a summer paddle, or taking advantage of a crisp winter…

The Value of Paddle UK Membership

Paddle UK membership doesn’t just fund waterways licences. We’d like to share with you some of the other ways membership money benefits paddlers and the wonderful waterways you paddle. Member Hub and Exclusive Benefits Member benefits give you the chance to save money on everything from kit and equipment to…

Stay Safe On The Water

Welcome to Go Paddling’s Stay Safe On The Water. We want everyone to enjoy paddling whether on holiday, day adventures or weekends out. And so, for those of you new to paddling, here are ten simple things you can do to stay safe… Always wear your buoyancy aid or personal…

The river licence explained

If you’ve recently started paddling, the advice around where you can paddle and what you can do can be stifling.  Different waterways are effectively managed by different bodies which can cause a bit of a headache, especially when you only want to put your boat on the water and go…