The Value of Paddle UK Membership

Paddle UK membership doesn’t just fund waterways licences. We’d like to share with you some of the other ways membership money benefits paddlers and the wonderful waterways you paddle. Member Hub and Exclusive Benefits Member benefits give you the chance to save money on everything from kit and equipment to…

Paddling In The Sun

Paddling in the sun is one of the best feelings around. Being on the water with the sun coming down makes the paddle 100% better, and that’s a proven fact. But while you are out on the water enjoying the sun, you need to remember a few things to stay…

Paddling through the Menopause

It's a topic that pops up on most women's paddling forums with questions ranging from advice and lifestyle tips to physical changes in paddling and beyond. Paddling through the menopause is not only absolutely possible, it should be encouraged for both physical and mental well being! To help us write…