Making Paddling Social

Making Paddling Social

Paddling is quite a social activity. It brings people together to enjoy the water, support each other, and keep each other safe. It’s one of the best things about paddling. And even if you set off on your own, chances are you’ll meet some like minded people along the way. Here are our top tips for making your paddling more social.

a group of people pumping up paddle boards together

Take your friends and family

Not everyone has had the joy of paddling yet. So don’t be afraid to invite your friends and family along with you. You’ll need a little extra kit, some know how, and safety knowledge. But being able to share the water with those close to you is a very special thing. 

Join a club

Clubs are a fantastic way of meeting new people in your area who are interested in the same thing. Finding your local club will give you a chance to also improve your skills and knowledge when it comes to paddling. The trips clubs plan can also give you new places for adventure. 

group of kayakers launching ready to paddle together

Organised paddles

If you are a part of a paddling community already, take the initiative and invite people along to a paddle. It only takes a single person to invite people along and it can become a great social event. There are also professionally organised gatherings that bring people together. A brilliant example of this is Aqua Paddle, a free and regular timed 5km paddle. 

Social media

Social media is a brilliant tool for spreading the word of an event and building social paddles. Being able to instantly get information out to people who may be interested in joining you will help build your paddling community. 

All in all, paddling is much better when it is shared with friends. It makes paddling safer, more fun, and opens the door for more adventures.