Paddle UK membership doesn’t just fund waterways licences. We’d like to share with you some of the other ways membership money benefits paddlers and the wonderful waterways you paddle.
Member Hub and Exclusive Benefits
Member benefits give you the chance to save money on everything from kit and equipment to your weekly shop. Added together, using all the discounts available through your membership and Paddle UK Rewards, you can save the full cost of your membership. Now, we know you’re not likely to use all those discounts, but each one individually covers the cost of the price increase.
Paddle UK ’s Members’ Hub is designed to bring together all your personalised useful information. Here you can access your own dedicated dashboard, with member benefits and discount codes, 7-day tide times and 7-day weather forecasts and river levels. Helping you plan your paddling trips more effectively.
From the hub you can also download a copy of your membership card to save to your phone and view your insurance information, should you need to make a claim.
Environmental & Campaigning Support
Your Paddle UK membership supports the work done to coordinate national projects, campaigning to improve access and to protect waterways and the environment.
The money from waterways licenses goes back into the maintenance and upgrading all the fantastic stretches of water we have to paddle on. From put in’s to get out’s and all the bits in between, the money to keep these usable comes from waterway license fees. Did you also know, that you can be fined up to £1000 if you are caught on a managed waterway with no license!
Paddle UK ’s waterways protection work sees them working with partners on the removal of invasive non-native species and flood debris, which can block waterways, as well as installing Check, Clean, Dry checkpoints and maintaining banks and waterway access points.
In addition the Clear Access Clear Waters campaign is Paddle UK ’s way of directly lobbying for change to create fair, shared, sustainable access to waterways for all.
Finally, they are always working to ensure membership itself does not have a negative impact on the environment, with Paddle UK ’s Go Green option and environmentally friendly membership pack.
“I love that being a member helps you give back to the waterways we love so much – as a keen conservationist, I love that this membership directly helps to protect Britain’s waterways.” – Paddle UK member
Physical and Mental Health
We sometimes miss this, one of the most important aspects of having access to waterways; the physical and mental health benefits it brings.
Paddle UK membership is a lot cheaper per year than joining a gym or health club. And being outdoors, moving your body and being part of the natural environment is hugely beneficial to us all.
“I have recommended kayaking for colleagues as a way to improve mental health and membership of Paddle UK for the benefits which everyone who has tried has taken up.” – Paddle UK member
Helping you get the most out of your craft
As you’ve already purchased the kit and equipment to get out on the water, rather than letting it get dusty in the garage, why not make the most of it and get out on the water rather than starting a new hobby.
Paddle UK brings you member exclusive content, including information on how to stay safe, improve your skills and find more places to paddle, because we know how much you value the chance to be out there doing the best thing for you.
If you need some inspiration on where to paddle or the facilities on route check out our Paddle Trails or PaddlePoints.
PaddlePoints is a brilliant tool to help you find new places to paddle, whether it’s where to get on the water or places and facilities to use on the route. The Paddle trails are easy to access, ready-made routes for you to follow and set out the duration, skill level and places of interest on route.
Stronger Together Fund
In December 2022 Paddle UK launched the Stronger Together Fund, a way of distributing funding to benefit paddling communities in England over the next three years. The fund allows Paddle UK to support great projects to help to deliver safe, high quality and inclusive environments for people to paddle.
The first round of grants of up to £10,000 are now open to not for profit delivery partners, clubs, groups and charities whose mission is to get more people paddling more often.
The funding rounds will run over three years and are directly linked to the membership revenue. It’s their way of ensuring the future growth of paddlesport.
Competition and Events Support
Did you know over 1,500 competitions and recreational events take place annually within the world of paddlesport. Almost all of these are run by or with the support of passionate hardworking volunteers. We support volunteers and disciplines through the work of our development team and ensure all Paddle UK events have adequate insurance.
To find out even more information, and to sign up for your Paddle UK membership today, head to the Rapid Join page today.