For all the amazing sunshine we get in Britain during summer we often get a fair dose of rain too! It’s an easy choice to get on the water on sunny days, but a bit of rain shouldn’t stop you going paddling too. Let’s be honest, you’re probably going to get a little bit splashed while you’re out for a paddle anyway! It’s important to know when it’s still a good idea to go out for a kayak, canoe, or SUP adventure in the rain and when it’s better to stay home.
We’ve got all the hot tips here on:
- What to wear for a rainy day paddle
- What kit you need when paddling in the rain
- How to stay Paddle Safe in the rain
- Where to kayak, canoe or SUP in the rain
What to wear for a rainy day paddle
Whether you’re heading out on your kayak, canoe or stand-up paddleboard, you’ll want to consider what to wear for paddling in the rain.
- Jacket – A lot of paddlers will wear a waterproof top, often known as a cag. These usually have neoprene around the cuffs, neck and base to stop water seeping in. If you don’t have a cag though, a lightweight waterproof jacket will serve you well.
- Top – As it’s summer it’s likely to be warm even when it’s raining, so a lightweight top under your waterproofs should be enough. It’s possible to get paddling tops with UV protection. A good choice for when that changeable British weather goes back to sunshine again!
- Legs – For your legs, you can wear neoprene shorts or trousers, which will keep you warm if the rain is due to be prolonged.
- Feet – Some water shoes are always a good choice, whatever weather you’re paddling in. These are generally lightweight and let water drain in and out easily. You can get trainer style water shoes, or just use neoprene slip on shoes or booties.
Spare dry clothes are a must for when you come off the water.
Don’t forget! You will always want your buoyancy aid on of course! This is a must wear in all weathers.
Whatever you are choosing to wear for paddling in the rain, think about the fact you might have to swim in it (hopefully not!). You’ll want clothing which won’t become too heavy when waterlogged and which will dry quickly if needed.
What kit you need when paddling in the rain
You’ll need to be able to keep your kit dry when you’re canoeing, kayaking or paddleboarding in the rain.
Pop your phone in a waterproof case and your spare clothes and other kit in a dry bag.
Consider how you’ll be able to access this kit should you need it. Your phone, or other means of communication, should be on your person and not just in your boat or on your board.
If you’re a Paddle UK (formerly Paddle UK) member you can get great discounts on lots of paddling kit, including Aquapac phone cases. Individual membership starts at just £29 per year. Check out all our membership options and benefits here.
How to stay Paddle Safe in the rain
Check the weather
If you’re reading this it’s probably already raining, or due to rain! But how long for and how much rain is going to fall? Knowing this and how it will affect the water levels where you’re planning on paddling is crucial.
On the Met Office website you can find a forecast for your area, as well as specialist forecasts for coast and sea.
You can check the water levels for rivers, tributaries and the sea around England on the government flooding check site. With rising water comes faster flows, always stay within your abilities when paddling. If in doubt leave your paddle to another day or choose a different body of water. For lots more information and advice on high water levels take a look at our Water Levels article.
Rain in the UK is often accompanied by wind and sometimes in summer, thunderstorms. If you’re paddling on the coast you’ll need to avoid offshore winds. Make sure you know as much as possible to keep yourself safe on the water in all weathers.
Skill up!
It’s great to keep learning! Paddle UK have a range of courses, from beginner upwards, to teach you crucial skills to stay safe and enjoy your time on the water.
These courses will not only help you develop your paddling, you’ll also learn more on how to understand the water and weather.
Keep it clean
Obviously, you should always Check, Clean, Dry your craft when you’ve been paddling. We’ve all got a responsibility for not spreading non-native species through our waterways.
A rainy day paddle means you’ll want to think of hygiene for yourself too. Rain can bring added pollutants to our waterways. Adding a way to clean your hands, such as alcohol gel, to your kit and bringing fresh water to drink yourself, will help protect you.
Where to kayak, canoe or SUP in the rain
Now you have all our hot tips for paddling in the rain here’s the final bit of your plan! If your usual paddling spot is affected by rain PaddlePoints is your go-to resource. Here you can learn about routes, river levels and information from paddlers themselves to help make your decision on where to go paddling.
Happy paddling and stay safe!