Loch Morlich Watersports Centre
Loch Morlich is an ideal venue to get to grips with Canoeing, Kayaking and Paddle boarding. It is a stunning setting and its easy to get afloat whatever paddle sports you choose.
Guided trips with instruction and Hire are available. To book please visit www.lochmorlich.com.
It's fun, safe with friendly instructors and excellent equipment.
For more details please visit the website and if you want to know what the condition are like on Loch Morlich - check out the webcam
Look forward to seeing you on the highest beach in the UK

Other Local Partners
Glenmore Lodge - 1 mile
PGL - Dalguise - 39 miles
Able2Adventure CIC - 0 miles
EM Paddlesports: Coaching & Guiding - 5 miles
Highland Outdoor Adventures - 17 miles
DryLineBoating - 26 miles
Explore Highland - 30 miles
Beyond Adventure - 38 miles